Top tips for period pain

Period pain sucks right? It's super common, but it ISN’T normal. Although it estimated that 45-95% of women experience painful periods.

There is a big difference between what is “normal” and what is common. “Normalising” period pain makes living with this issue acceptable, medicating the symptom or just dealing with it, until it has impacted our ability to live our lives, rather than addressing the underlying issue. Period pain has been normalised to such an extent that it takes the average endometriosis sufferer 10 years to be diagnosed! 

What causes period pain? Period pain is caused by the release of prostaglandins in the uterus. Prostaglandins are a group of lipids that control processes such as inflammation, blood flow, the formation of blood clots and the induction of labour, and cause the uterus to contract and shed its lining (hence our menstrual bleed). Prostaglandins are necessary, but when they are too high this can cause considerable cramping and pain. 

A small level of discomfort during your period is ok; after all, your uterine muscles are contracting to shed your menstrual lining, so you will feel something! Slight cramping in your pelvis/lower back on the day before and/or the first couple of days of your bleed is ok, and should be relieved by ibuprofen (if you choose to take it). 

Hormonal imbalances can also increase the amount of prostaglandins released and pain.  Severe or intense period pain that lasts for days, that can’t be relieved with ibuprofen and causes nausea or vomiting  can indicate serious conditions like endometriosis, uterine fibroids, polyps, pelvic inflammatory disease or adhesions which need to be investigated. 

Pain is a sign from your body encouraging you to ask questions and go deeper to find the cause. In the meantime, try some of these hormone supporting and pain reducing strategies, and let me know what works for you. 

  • Topical application of magnesium and ginger oil

  • Daily magnesium and fish oil 

  • Curcumin and boswellia supplements for acute pain 

  • Adopt an anti-inflammatory Mediterranean diet 

  • Ditch the dairy 

If you need help with period problems, reach out as I’d love to help.