How to beat sugar cravings
Y'all know I’ll keep riding that blood sugar train until I die! Balancing our blood sugars is essential for all areas of health, especially our reproductive hormones, but imbalanced blood sugar can also be a major driver of sugar cravings.
When we eat, our body produces the hormone insulin to shuttle glucose from our blood into our cells where it can be used for energy. When we eat highly refined foods, foods high in sugar or without adequate protein and fibre, our body produces a lot of insulin to compensate. Sometimes our body overestimates how much insulin we need, and when too much is released, our blood sugars drop too low and **bam** sugar cravings and all around hangriness. Stabilising our blood sugars is essential.
Symptoms of poor blood sugar balance include feeling “hangry”, headaches, dizziness, bursts of energy and then the 3pm slump, poor skin quality including acne, feeling sleepy after meals, fatigue and irritability. Blood sugar imbalances can also contribute to PMS, PCOS, hypothalamic amenorrhea or missing periods and the list goes on….
Other factors that contribute to sugar cravings:
Overgrowth of certain bacteria and yeasts in the gut (we can check this in a stool test!)
Nutrient deficiencies, like magnesium and chromium
You aren’t eating enough! Or specifically enough fat, protein or fibre
You are tired or stressed, and are looking for an instant energy boost (this is my danger zone too!)
We’ve developed a habit where we are used to eating sweet things at 3pm or after dinner
Premenstrual cravings due to fluctuations in hormones which affect brain chemicals like serotonin and dopamine
If you are addicted to sugar - don’t be hard on yourself. You aren’t a bad person or a failure. Sugar cravings affect everyone, including myself. Our bodies are literally *hardwired* to seek out things like sugar that give us a dopamine hit. And sugar is addictive AF. Sugar on occasion is ok - life is meant to be enjoyed right? But if sugar cravings and blood sugar imbalance is affecting your life, there is a lot we can do to help!
Strategies to help with sugar cravings:
Know that intense sugar cravings subside after 20 minutes. Have a cup of licorice and cinnamon tea which is sweet (Pukka brand is great).
If you go cold turkey, all sugar cravings should subside after 7 days.
Eat protein and fibre with every meal to stabilise blood sugar levels
If sugar cravings are hitting in the afternoon or evening, ensure you are eating adequate fat and protein intake especially at lunch.
Opt for stevia, xylitol, monk fruit as sweeteners without the glycemic impact.
Try some exercise instead of reaching for sugar: go for a walk around the block, dance like a maniac in your room.
Distract yourself by phoning a friend
There are lots of herbs and nutrients that also help with sugar cravings and help to balance blood sugar levels
Ensure you are getting adequate sleep
If you need help balancing blood sugar or your reproductive hormones, book in a chat to see how naturopathy can help!